Dry Eye is on the Rise…WHY? Dr. Yap KNOWS!
Do you love spending time on your phone or tablet answering emails, texts, streaming videos? The majority of us engage in these activities daily, for multiple hours. This is now the normal way of life. Statistical data states that over 30 million people internationally suffer from dry-eye disease. Dry eye occurs when your eyes don’t […]
Alle Special Available: Cosmetics with Dr. Raji
From now until the end of September, earn double points when you see Dr. Raji for Voluma, Juvederm, Volbella and/or Botox. Freshen your look from summer sun, wind and fun! Join the FREE Alle program and earn points that accumulate as $$discounts off future treatments. Dr. Raji will provide individualized consultation and subtly-beautifully help you […]
Uplifted, Confident, BeYOUtiful!
“Let me help you be ready to face the world with your mask off. Free $500 tube of Volbella for your lips; when you plump up your cheek volume by purchasing 2 tubes of Voluma.” Dr. Raji Dr. Raji has been helping people reach their appearance goals for many years. She is adept at her […]
“It was such a relief not to have to wear glasses or contact lenses after 35 years. I will recommend this to my fellow colleagues, athletes and friends.” Tony Esposito Splash, swim, play with NO glasses or contacts! Just put on your shades and ride the waves of summer. Call today to make your COMPLEMENTARY […]